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Welcome to Reiki I extensive
Your path has lead you here and i am so happy

This Reiki I course is an enlightening journey into self-healing, growing, transforming and learning how to help others heal at the highest vibration this Universe has to offer.


Please answer the questions below honestly with a simple YES or NO to yourself. 


Are you ready to transform your life?


Are you ready to be the best version of yourself?


Are you ready to be who you were meant to be on this Earth in this amazing lifetime?


Are you willing to have an attitude of gratitude?


Are you willing to FORGIVE yourself and others for EVERYTHING?


Are you willing to ALLOW your own healing to commence?


Are you willing to ALLOW yourself to FEEL, HEAL AND RELEASE?


Are you willing to surrender to what will be for your highest good without expectations of HOW you think things should happen?


Will you ALLOW yourself to cry, laugh, and be your authentic self on this journey?


Are you willing to face the shadow side (the side we like to hide from the world and ourselves) of yourself and to be honest with YOURSELF and others?

If you answered YES to ALL these questions, then please continue on! 

“Taking this Reiki 1 class has been a life-changing experience. I’ve learned a valuable amount about myself and who I want to be. Many of the things I learned helped me to let go of old habits and ways of living and step into new, healthier identities. I absolutely loved having all of the guest teachers and experiences, as they brought a lot of value as well. I will say that I struggled with the constant memorization of information, but deeply believe it was worth it to not only assist my self-healing, but the healing of all others I come across in the future. Yvonne was a steady, energetic, loving support throughout the entire process, during class and beyond. Her Reiki sessions really helped me heal and become more of who I am meant to be. I’m very grateful to have such a strong foundation on my Reiki journey and truly think it was worth all of the time, energy, and investment.”-CP

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